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Finally! I’ve been doing the recording sessions for this episode for almost a month now, and I’m really happy with the guests that I was able to get on the show. I’m trying something new with this episode, meaning that guests are divided into separate segments and will be discussing a different topic on the battle of old anime vs new anime.
Download the full episode
If you don't like long episodes (this one is about 2 hours long) download it in parts:
Part A
Part B
So what do I mean by old anime vs new anime? Glad you asked, I’m going to find out if newer anime productions have gone down the shitter, or if the older stuff is simply held with too much nostalgia backed with years of fandom and discussion. Hopefully after listening to this you can decide where you stand on the topic.
Opening: Storm Returns – Prefuse 73
1:15 – Opening Remarks
2:00 – 3 Japanophile Productions, now with new promo action.
2:40 – Discussion & Introductions
What do you consider to be an old anime?
What are some must see anime in America?
A New vs Old comparison
What are the influences of nostalgia?
Feelings about new anime
Josh’s Review
52:55 – Halfway mark and some plugs
53:34 – Reverse Thieves
54:20 - Discussion & Introductions
Meme attack
What is an old anime?
Brief history of anime
Changes through the ages
Gateway drugs, do they still exist?
What’s being made, and what’s actually being seen?
Recommendations for both new and old fans
Vote for our Reverse Thieves on the Aniblog Tourney on Twitter
1:45:29 – Closing Remarks
1:46:40 – Ending: Passion – Nightmares on Wax
And just because I love ya, I will be releasing the next part that includes Doctor and Peterson from the SSAA Podcast. Look forward to that. If you want to get in on the show it’s not too late, drop me a line and I’ll try to get you on the show.
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