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With all the guests I’ve been having recently, I should rename the show from Animeshon, to ‘Josh and Friends’ Amazing Anime Podcast’. That being said, with me is Chris Stanton from the kickass SHAFT webshow. I had one of the guys from SHAFT on before, if you recall the Anime Asylum Podcast (plans on doing another one are going on). Of course, all of us are on the Anime Digital Dysfunction Network (their twitter), where you’ll find other awesome podcasts. And speaking of awesome podcasts, I’d like to give a shout out to Gundamn@MAHQ for supporting the show.
0:00 - 0:27 Opening
0:27 – 1:56 Godannar – Akira Kushida
1:56 – 24:33 News
It was episode 23 where the email was read
Dr. House vs Dr. Black Jack
Anime is dead…again?
Kodansha is sued
Black Rock Hahn
Eva Bust
24:33 – 24:51 SHAFT Thanks for being on the show again Chris. Maybe next time I can get both of you.
24:52 – 25:52 Friday Ace
25:52 – 26:15 Tori no Uta - Psycho Feat. Zebra
26:15 – 57:37 Review Time
54:37 – 58:24 Reverse Thieves I hope you guys won the contest
58:25 – 59:15 SSAA Podcast Was on a recent episode with them. Hence why I hate AIC.
59:16 – 60:00 Taisetsuna Mono – Road of Major
60:01 – 1:20:14 Reading and Watching Time!
Fist of the North Star
Getter Robo and Mazinger scans by Dynamic Pro
Rin Daughters of Confused Horny
1:20:14 – 1:22:00 Black Rock Shooter – Artist Unknown (it’s a cover by the way)
I'm in the podcast witness protection program. But I'll be back to full strength in my podcasting and internet ways in three weeks.
How dare you talk about Godannar and not have me on it...
don't worry, I'm saving up a few other mech shows for you Doctor. It shall be grand.
Does that mean you witnessed a podcast murder Gene?