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Another solo go. I take the time to review part of the Funimation cash-cow, DragonBall Z. Let me know what you think of the new show style.
0:00 – 1:30 DragonBall Theme - Animetal
1:30 – 5:43 News Blitz
Gundam ‘live action’
Ninja Mt Rushmore
Battle Angel Alita: Lost Order
Larger then life sized Hello Kitty
Manga Jumping to the iPad
5:43 – 6:34 SSAA Podcast
6:34 – 7:20 Speakeasy Podcast
7:20 -7:40 Rock the Dragon – Dragon Ball Z
7:41 – 32:31 The Revenge and Return of Cooler
32:31 – 33:32 Friday Ace
33:32 – 34:03 SHAFT
34:03 – 34:33 Intergalactic - Boom Boom Satellites
34:33 – 45:00 Reading and Watching
I really enjoyed the show. I would start the show with something other than the music. Even if it's just an intro then the music. A lot of new listeners might get turned off by 1:30 minutes of a song they might or might not like.