| Posted in | Posted on 7:42 PM

"After the leaves fell and the ending days of Horror Month endeth, there came a giant messiah made of steel. Yea, even the name of the house of Mecha bearth He, sent to protect the sinless from the legions of darkness. And His sword shineth, yea, all three of them, lighting the path to freedom. And all the Machina gathered under the banner of JUDA, each Factor his own."
~The Book of Animeshon
That was a quote from the anime bible, I bet you haven't read it. In this show, we have Eeeper stop by to hit up the first Mech Month review, Kurogane no Linebarrel. Make sure you listen to his show, you can find it here. Here's the Cyborg 009 film he mentioned, as well as the Mazinkaiser
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